Reflections on what home feels like

I was recently interviewed for an article concerning the first conference I have ever went to…BlackBEAT. I read the article and wasn’t really feeling the slant the article took and it didn’t actually vibe with me.  For some reason I kept wishing that the article was focussed more on expanding the classes, having more extras…fun,Continue reading “Reflections on what home feels like”


This weekend Master and I realized that we communicate differently.  Shocker, I know…LOL This communication difference though is in terms of how each of us deal with the question “Why?” “Imagination is more important than knowledge..”    ~.Albert Einstein US (German-born) physicist (1879 – 1955)  When I ask the question “Why?’, most times it is notContinue reading ““Why?””

All You Gotta Do Is Say Yes

While listening to “Say Yes” by Floetry a thought hit me…my mind wanders in funny tangets sometimes towards clarity. In the video the lady is writing about how the guy makes her feel and the man was drawing a picture of her.  Both in seperate seats, both thinking about each other. The Chorus of theContinue reading “All You Gotta Do Is Say Yes”

Earned Leather…

I’m a slow learner, slow talker, and slow thinker.  I have to take time to contemplate things to really understand them. For some reason I have been contemplating  someone’s questioning on whether they should keep the leather they earned.  Sitting here writing about a completely different lesson about my personal journey the below just becameContinue reading “Earned Leather…”

Trusting Again

To me trust is like seeing a flower bloom.  Little by little the flower blooms.  The tight flower releases becoming softer and softer.  You open yourself up and let down your guard.  No protective coverings, soft and yielding. In some ways you connect and intertwine yourself with someone else.    It is not something thatContinue reading “Trusting Again”