FetLife’s Great Purge

Looks like our favorite fetish social network is purging again, and has been silent on it again too. Right now there is no credit card payment option, no add new group link, and groups and fetishes on the banned words list are disappearing. The only official word on the recent actions taken were on a postContinue reading “FetLife’s Great Purge”

50 Shades of Grey Bumps BDSM Porn Searches

Something came across my radar today. 50 Shades of Grey caused a bump in searches on BDSM while surfing for porn according to Pornhub. Hardly surprising, but interesting to note.  That said, if you are looking for better BDSM art than you would find in the 50 Shades books or film, I would look atContinue reading “50 Shades of Grey Bumps BDSM Porn Searches”

Fetish in Mainstream Culture

I have been noticing the rise of fetish imagery in the mainstream culture. Perhaps it is a reference in the news. Maybe the latest CSI episode (anyone remember Lady Heather?). This is a damn site better than the connotations portrayed in the Crow 2, where fetish is used to show how deviant the villains are.Continue reading “Fetish in Mainstream Culture”